About Us
Red Deer Soup Kitchen: Serving the Red Deer Community
“Where Faith Meets Works”
Mission Statement:
To meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of the disadvantaged in the Red Deer area in a comfortable and spiritually nourishing environment.
How does the Red Deer Soup Kitchen meet these needs?
The Red Deer Soup Kitchen serves a supper every Thursday and Saturday evening from 4:30pm-5:30pm and a brunch every Sunday from 11:30am-12:30pm. We also give out numerous snack bags throughout the week. Additionally, we give out weather appropriate clothing and blankets as well as personal hygiene items.
In 2023 we served 27,233 meals and had 1510 in-person volunteers to serve those meals. We also had many behind the scenes volunteers on non-serving days.

So many blessings this year!

What else happens at the Red Deer Soup Kitchen?
Our outreach coordinator, Darby Nielsen, has been actively engaging with our street friends. Some of his activities include: liaising with other social agencies and advocating for those needing mental health and medical assistance. He has also been helping a few of our young men navigate the justice system. This year he saw success in the form of housing for a few the young men he has been working with.
Just in case:
Just in case you were not sure where 5014 49th street is located you might recognize our building as the old German/Canadian club.

Snapshots of our work:

We would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU! to all who have blessed us with their time and resources this past year. A special Thank You to ADRA for providing additional funding to help us continue this vital community service. We would also like to thank A Better World for mentoring and technical support!